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    Hair transplant for men

    A Hair transplantation is known to be the best and lasting option for hair loss . A hair transplant operation provides effective and satisfying outcomes for individuals experiencing ‘male-pattern baldness’ which is also referred to as androgenetic alopecia.

    Turkey is a well-known destination for hair restoration. Considering the country’s prime location in terms of proximity to Western Europe, low cost, and reputable institutions, Turkey has become a popular place for European clients to upgrade their hair.

    Headfirst Clinic is the most popular and renowned clinic in Turkey for those seeking treatment for hair loss.


    Seeing that there are lots of men in the search of a way for new hair growth, medical technology has come up with many hair transplant techniques. HEADFIRST CLINIC offers the most efficient techniques that provides satisfying outcomes in the treatment of thinning hair or loss of hair, which are:

    • DHI Technique

    With this technology, the follicles are picked out from the donor area via the Micro Motor and transplanted into the receiving area by opening fine channels in the bald areas with precise medical forceps. The operation takes around 6-8 hours, transplanting up to 4000 follicles.

    • Sapphire FUE

    FUE is considered one of the most important techniques that science has reached in the field of plastic surgery, this technique provides a 100% natural result compared to the previous technique.

    This technique has evolved one step further using special pens made of sapphire stone.

    This technique involves a Sapphire pen, which is used to create small cuts in the recipient area during the transplant procedure. Grafts will then be implanted, these are called fine slits ‘channels’.

    The pen is thin and V-shaped, it is thin and pointed which allows the opening of channels with a high level of accuracy. There is a reduction in the risk of injury to adjacent follicles and scarring due to the small, controlled size of the cut.

    What is the Hair transplant surgery procedure?

    • Preparation For Hair Transplantation:

    The patient’s hair is completely shaven; however, it is sometimes possible to do the procedure without shaving, then the scalp is washed with a sterile solution, and the scalp is injected with a local anaesthetic.

    • Follicle Extractions:

    At this stage, we use the micromotor device to extract the follicles from the donor area, without damaging the structure of the hair, which increases the amount of healthy extracted follicles, which can be successfully implanted.

    • Graft Preservation:

    After extracting the follicles, they are kept in a special solution, which is the same solution used to preserve organs during organ transplant procedures. This keeps grafts healthy

    • Channels Opening:

    The DHI technique uses a ‘Choi pen’. Fine slits (channels) are created and grafts implanted in the same step, while in the sapphire FUE technique involves a sharp-headed tool made from sapphire stone  to open fine slits which the grafts are then implanted. This method is advantageous as it smoothly opens the skin without damaging nearby tissue, then the grafts are implanted into those fine slits (channels).

    • Grafting:

    In this step, the extracted follicles are inserted into the open channels, the last couple of steps are the most important as it requires a high level of skill.
    The surgeon needs to take into consideration the density of the hair and the aesthetic look that the patient requires.

    A hair transplant procedure normally lasts 4-8 hours. In some cases patients may require more than one session in order to achieve the required hair coverage.

    Patients who have undergone a hair transplant procedure notice visible growth of hair in the transplanted areas within a short period after the operation, the hair reaches its full density within a period of 10 to 12 months.

    Obtained hair density may vary from patient to patient depending upon several factors, including:

    • The density of follicles implanted in the recipient area.
    • Hair diameter and quality.
    • How curly or straight the hair is.
    • Laser therapy after a hair transplant may prevent hair loss in other areas of the scalp.