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Neck Lift
A neck lift is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat around your jaw line, creating a more defined and youthful-looking neck. Results can be long lasting, but neck lift surgery can not stop the ageing process.
What you can expect?
Before the procedure
Before you have a neck lift, your doctor will consult with you to evaluate your health and to discuss your surgical goals and expectations. Your doctor will then decide on the surgical method that works best for you. Your surgeon might suggest additional procedures that will give the perfect result you desire such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery or skin resurfacing.
During the procedure
A neck lift is done under a general anaesthetic. Small incisions will be made in the hairline and behind the ears before stretching the loose skin along the jawline and the neck. Excess skin is then trimmed and secured into its new position.
After the procedure
After a neck lift, you’re likely to have swelling and bruising.
You might need to wear a special garment that compresses your neck and helps reduce swelling. You’ll also need to keep your head elevated above your heart and to keep it straight. Don’t twist or bend your neck.
It might take several weeks to months for swelling and bruising to fully disappear and up to six months for your incision lines to fade. In the meantime, be careful to protect your skin from the sun, don’t wear clothing you need to pull over your head and be gentle with your surgical incisions.
For the first week, you will experience some degree of soreness and a good bit of tightness. Most neck lift patients describe their pain as being mild.
Generally speaking, patients who undergo facelift surgery will be advised to sleep on their back with their head elevated to about a 30-degree angle for several weeks.
Small lumps in the neck are common after a facelift and typically are felt when rubbing your fingers over them, but not visible or only barely so. There are a number of reasons for them with some requiring treatment, but most are treated only to accelerate their resolution.