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Renuvion is a non-surgical procedure for skin tightening. Also known as J Plasma or J Plasty, the procedure tightens and refreshes loose skin without the need for invasive surgery, extended downtime, or large surgical scars. This precision repair is unique because plastic surgeons can apply controlled heat to target specific areas for skin tightening.
Who can benefit from J-Plasma
Individuals with mild to moderate damaged and loose skin caused by ageing, sun damage, and other factors are ideal candidates for J-Plasma. It is perfect for anyone who is looking for an alternative to traditional skin lift procedures.
J-Plasma can be used anywhere on the body including the neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, and legs.
What are the benefits of J-Plasma and where on the body can the procedure be performed?
J Plasma technology can be applied to almost any part of the face, body and skin.
- It restores the facial skin to a youthful appearance and smooths out any wrinkles.
- It tightens and rejuvenates the skin, eliminates weight loss and slight sagging in the abdomen and waist area during pregnancy.
- Thanks to Renuvion, the appearance of cellulite is reduced.
Apart from this, it can also be applied to the following parts:
- Neck and jowl area
- Back area
- Waist area
- Basin area
- Knee area
- Inner and outer thigh
- Chest area
- Arm area
J-Plasma is a relatively fast procedure that usually lasts for up to 1 to 2 hours with a quick recovery time. It is said to be moderately pain-free. However, please note that local anaesthetic will be used. Some patients may experience mild discomfort during and after the procedure (once the anaesthetic wears off). Patients may experience some side effects associated with local anaesthetic such as swelling, nausea, and redness.
After the procedure, you will normally be given a compression garment to wear which you should wear for at least 72 hours. Healing occurs from the inside out after a J-Plasma Reunvion body treatment. Immediately after the procedure you should expect to see mild swelling and bruising.