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    Abdominoplasty is the surgery performed to remove the sagging excess skin and fat tissue under and immediately over the umbilical region and to repair loosening in the anterior wall.

    Striae on skin of tummy, excess and loose skin and fat tissue of abdomen, loosening of muscle and muscle membrane in anterior abdominal wall are caused by weight loss and weight gain, childbirth and genetic structure. These complaints cause difficulty in wearing pants, skirts, swimsuits and bikinis; and sometimes, severe sagging/loosening may lead to sores and fungal infections secondary to excessive sweating.

    Who are good candidates for this surgery?

    • Individuals who do not have systemic diseases.
    • Patients who are not overweight.
    • Patients with loose abdominal tissue and poor subcutaneous fat tissue.
    • Individuals who complain of  sagging skin.
    • Patients who complain of skin cracks/striae.

    How you prepare?

    You’ll talk to a plastic surgeon about a tummy tuck. During your first visit, your plastic surgeon will likely:

    • Review your medical history: Be prepared to answer questions about current and past medical conditions. Talk about any medications you’re taking or have taken recently, as well as any surgeries you’ve had.
    • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to any medication: If your desire for a tummy tuck is related to weight loss, your doctor will likely ask detailed questions about your weight gain and loss.
    • Do a physical exam. To determine your treatment options: the doctor will examine your abdomen. The doctor might also take pictures of your abdomen for your medical record.
    • Discuss your expectations. Explain why you want a tummy tuck, and what you’re hoping for in terms of appearance after the procedure.

    Many patients worry about what to expect after a tummy tuck. Luckily, the pain during tummy tuck recovery does not outweigh the amazing results afterward, and men and women who’ve had the procedure give it a 96% rating.

    It takes six weeks for the body to heal from cosmetic surgery. Swelling may last several weeks, but most patients are fully recovered in three months or less. At this point, it’s safe to begin exercising and resuming normal activities.

    A tummy tuck can result in a weight loss of approximately four pounds. If you opt for a mini tuck, you can expect to lose around three pounds of excess skin and fat. If you opt for an extended tuck, you can expect to lose around five pounds of excess skin and fat.